Thursday, April 19, 2012

Q is for Quixotic

I've be on a vain quest to do all of the things lately and it's slowly killing me.  I want to play with my son and play video games, goodbye sleep.  I want to grow my own food but have no space to do it, goodbye dreams.  I want to finish projects and hang out with friends, goodbye money.

I'm starting to realize I have to say no to somethings, or maybe to a lot of things.  I'm not sure on my limits yet, but something has got to give.  My reading list is growing longer than I have life left, and my project book keeps getting thrown away because I'll never get it done.


  1. That feel when you realise time goes too fast...

  2. Compartmentalize! For every problem there is an elegant solution waiting to be discovered.

  3. I know the feeling. Put your son first! They grow up quick!

  4. Yeah kids are really cool...and I find it hard to keep on top of everything I want to do.

  5. sleep is for weenies!

  6. Small things lead to big things. One step at a time.

  7. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Deja vu.
