Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I want this to be true

Last night my wife was watching The Pixar Story on Netflix and I could have wanted to gag at all the people that where falling all over themselves about how amazing Steve Jobs is.  Then I have to read on every fucking gadget website about how much of a Genius Steve Jobs is, and how cool all of his stuff is.  So when I saw this on Geeks are Sexy, god I wanted it to be true.  I really, really wish that Sean Connery gave Jobs the kiss off.  I just don't think this passes the bullshit-o-meter test.

Either way I'm fucking James Bond is the best line ever.  I no doubt would use that all the time if I where an actor that played James Bond.  


  1. i should check that movie out.

  2. I hoped that letter was real too. Ha, one of the best lines ever!

  3. Awesome, just awesome I love Sean Connery all the more if it's real.

  4. Hehe, total fake, but funny.

  5. I wish man, I wish.

  6. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Funny, wish it was real though.
