Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Academic research copyright

An interesting article about publicly funded research in the US and 2 publishers working hard to ensure that it stays behind their paywalls for perpetuity popped up on Techcrunch and in the course of reviewing my drafts today I also remembered getting an action notice from about a petition to End Corporate Citizenhood.  If you live in the US and are tired of corporations having the right to spend nearly unlimited amounts of money to convince Congress to do what ever it is they want, that petition would be one concrete thing to help start the conversation to end this bs.


  1. What happens to all the laws that ride on top of the Citizens United bill and assume corporate personhood? Do they get unraveled as well?

  2. Although I'm not American I think that is very important! Having corperations count as people is silly! I hope many people sign that patition!

  3. i agree, corporations lobbying has lead to some of the dumbest most self damaging bills. think sopa >:(

  4. Just read the comments on the techcrunch comment section and wow! Theres some dumb people who don't have a clue in there!

  5. Lobbying needs more checks and balances all over the's the uglier side of capitalism

  6. Totally wrong the

  7. I really wonder if they really know what they're doing.
