Monday, February 27, 2012

Success and some failure to boot

So I did succeed in getting a beer brewed, I'm pretty pissed off about the amount of work to get the damn beer out of my keggle into my fermenter.  I have those sweet taps on the side of the kettle with awesome screens that should keep the adjunct fairies from gumming up my works, but I underestimated the power of 12 pounds of pumpkin guts.  It took more than 30 minutes from when I decided my beer was cool enough to transfer to get 5 and 1/6 gallons of wort out of that keg and I know I left another 1/2 gallon worth of liquid stuck in those pumpkin guts that clogged my kettle screen.

The new rule is adjunct stuff for beer goes in a motherfucking bag, I wanted nothing more than to be done last night and my beer was not letting me get into the house and cook dinner for my wife.  It was 45°F outside yesterday and I was out there for about 5 hours with little interruption, which is just me whining I know but damn it mother nature was not helping my cause.  My efficiency is still pretty piss at around 59% given my second wash of my grain gave me wort about 1 gallon with 1.058 OG so I made a tiny batch of Raspberry Leftover Ale.  After a boil I had a little more than 1/2 gallon of 1.078 OG to put in my growler and pitched my extra thing of Nottingham Dry Ale yeast and called it a night around 11:30pm.  Both beers where bubbling away this morning when I left, so we'll take success where it we can get it I suppose.

My taste of the unfermented sample tells me the pumpkin flavor is going to be huge, and I didn't get any cranberry taste at all so 3 lbs might not have been enough.  


  1. Gah, that sounds rough... lesson learned though, clogging isn't usually one of the things I consider when I think of beer brewing.

  2. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I want to try that.

  3. Haha, it really does sound like a lot of work to get beer.

  4. I want to try it too, and it does sound time consuming.

  5. Sounds like it's going well. Except for the cranberry part but I'm sure you'll get that settled.

  6. sounds frustrating but hopefully all worth it

  7. Hahaha, that's one reason why I prefer to just drink beer and not make them.
