Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sounds a lot like a hit piece funded by M$

Symantec has an article being highlighted by Redmondmag about android malware infections.  Here's the thing I skeptical taking info from a security company that isn't even sure what happened when they got hacked.  I'm disinclined to believe they have the vaguest of clues about a platform they only just started supporting, and particularly suspicious of the Redmond magazine (a blog and magazine that focuses on Microsoft) publishing this info.  Linux vis-a-vie android isn't windows Symantec, and your old bed buddy buying a negative study on a competitive product is not a new idea.


  1. They're just mad that Windows Phones are a joke

  2. Tsk tsk, Microsoft playing dirty... although I'm sure Apple wouldn't hesitate as well.

  3. Doesnt matter. Norton sucks and Symantec company is garbage. Never liked them never will, and I dont trust them with anything. I have a lot of people come to me to remove their crappy Norton and other Symantec products. Bleh..

  4. yeah symantec can suck it

  5. Hmmm... Looks like it's time for tin foil hats.

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      I have mine already.

    2. I've got a tin foiled tin hat for added protection!

  6. All the big company's play dirty, they all need to wipe their ass and clean up. No one likes a crusty ass hole.

  7. quit being so lame Micro$hit

  8. Microsoft is a Joke. Ubuntu all the way!

  9. Symantec is shit anyway. This is why they are the strongest anti-virus software in the market because even non-virus files are treated as one and gets deleted as well. To Symantec anything could be a virus.
