Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What in the holy f*ck indie?

ElectricMustache is messing with me today.  I cannot say how I feel about this song because the video was so filled with wtfbbq that I cannot imagine the song without the video.  I whole heatedly apologize for what is about to happen to your brain as it leaks out your ear holes and puddles on your desk.  Grab a towel and don't panic.

Cloud Nothings - "No Future / No Past" Official Video from Urban Outfitters on Vimeo.


  1. Lol whatI feel dumber already!!!! Very weird video

  2. Hmm, not as strange as I was anticipating, but still fairly odd. The song is awesome tho.

  3. What the hell was that? :s

  4. I don't understand. What's going on. o_o

  5. Definitely is odd, glad that I didn't need a towel, yet. I've seen some stuff.. Stuff a towel wouldn't be enough - a professional carpet cleaning crew wouldn't accept the job of my carpet after what I've seen.

  6. lol im going to take a nap :(

  7. That guy is having one bad trip.
