Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Healthy Stuff

So here is a link to a study on the effects of learning about gardening, cooking and nutrition course on a group of Latino students about 10 years of age.

The outcomes where pretty positive for the group that participated, less weight gain than their peers in the control group (they are young children so they are gaining mass regardless) and huge change in their intake of dietary fiber! The control group actually took in -12% from the over the course of the study from the groups baseline, and the participants in the other group took in +22%. That is a pretty impressive swing in the sample, so teaching them about veggies encouraged them to eat them. If this isn't an argument to start a garden with your kids and talk about vegetables I don't know what is.


  1. I grew up in the province and so, I know a little about gardening, plus, we do it at school :)

    re your comment: are you gonna be happy when my photo challenge is over? hehe ^_^

    I hope you're doing fine :)

    how was your beer? :D

  2. But I don't like gardening!

    Interesting article though :).

  3. This is awesome, I essentially want to do well in life just to garden...

  4. Nice find! I love gardening / farming.

  5. When I was a kid the only time I ever wanted to eat veggies is when I saw Bugs Bunny eating them.

  6. Nice blog

  7. You have a very good blog. Thanks for sharing
    This is awesome

  8. That's really cool research!
