Thursday, November 24, 2011

Freeish hosting for simple web pages.

I'm not sure if everyone had a need for this, but sometimes it's nice to have a quick and simple way to put something up on the internet.  Lifehacker has a post on how to use dropbox and some helper services.  The beauty of this would be for sites that have very static content and low daily traffic.  For a Free Dropbox account you get 10gb a day, and a pro you get 250gb a day.  It's an interesting idea, and cool way to get simple pages up on the internet without paying for hosting.  I don't know how complicated you can go with this, but I imagine if you can use scripts and CSS you could probably link it to one of the backend dataservices type of site like like Amazon or similar and store data in the cloud.  I imagine this would be exceptionally unsecure, but could be useful in a pinch.


  1. It does sound like it could be good. But my understanding of the internet is so limited I can't see all its aplications!

  2. Oh nice, I think I should need this, thanks for sharing.

  3. I use dropbox for file sharing, I never thought to use it as a host...

  4. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I don't even understand if 10gb is much or lack for a webpage

  5. I use drop box for sharing too.

  6. That's an interesting concept. It sounds like it has some pretty clever applications.

  7. That's nice, but my needs are a little more robust ;)

  8. Nah, I think I found someone on Reddit who can give me cheap hosting.

  9. I prefer to use mine for files, but it's cool that you can do this. Also, since we don't have a static page or low traffic, I'm pretty sure we'd obliterate the thing if we tried this.

  10. Not too shabby I'll have to keep this in mind for future situations. Thanks!
