Philip K. Dick
I'm not sure why, but I never really read much in the "Sci-fi" genera when I was younger. I read some of the expanded Star Wars universe, but really that was it for Science Fiction. As an adult I've sort of stumbled into the genera largely by accident, but I'm enjoying my time here.
The first book for me was from Richard Paul Russo's Carlucci 3-in1[?]. It was in the book bin at work and caught my eye, so I gave it a whirl. It's 3 books rolled into one and pretty excellent, thought my disclaimer will be the first book stands head and shoulders above the other 2. The sci-fi book I read last year was Betahuman[?]
by Ian Wood, I read it because it was written by a High School friend of mine. It's a debut novel, written during nanowrimo follows familiar story arc's but manages to add something to the genera as far as I'm concerned. Really other than smoothing out some of the dialogue, it doesn't need any work. The last Sci-fi book I read last year was Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
[?] from Philip K. Dick. I watched Blade Runner sometime last year so I was interested to read the book, but Adam Savage prattling on and on about his Blade Runner replica's in 2 separate video's this year really drove me to take the plunge. The movie doesn't even hold a candle to the sun that is this book. There are so, so many things that the movie doesn't even try to take on that draw together the plot that Blade Runner failed to make any sense of. If you liked the movie, but thought it was missing something I think you will love the book.
Any how I'm deep in the middle of a Philip K. Dick benge trying to read The Man in the High Castle[?] and I have a few more to follow, but if there is something I just have to read in the genera let me know.
I really, really need to get around to reading some Phillip K Dick. I love all the movie adaptions of his stories.